Source code for models.openchem_model

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_
import torch.distributed as dist
import logging

from openchem.utils.utils import check_params

import time
from tqdm import tqdm

from openchem.utils import comm
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from openchem.utils.utils import time_since, calculate_metrics
from openchem.optimizer.openchem_optimizer import OpenChemOptimizer
from openchem.optimizer.openchem_lr_scheduler import OpenChemLRScheduler

import numpy as np

[docs]class OpenChemModel(nn.Module): """Base class for all OpenChem models. Function :func:'forward' and :func:'cast' inputs must be overridden for every class, that inherits from OpenChemModel. """ def __init__(self, params): super(OpenChemModel, self).__init__() check_params(params, self.get_required_params(), self.get_optional_params()) self.params = params self.use_cuda = self.params['use_cuda'] self.batch_size = self.params['batch_size'] self.eval_metrics = self.params['eval_metrics'] self.task = self.params['task'] self.logdir = self.params['logdir'] self.num_epochs = self.params['num_epochs'] if 'use_clip_grad' in self.params.keys(): self.use_clip_grad = self.params['use_clip_grad'] else: self.use_clip_grad = False if self.use_clip_grad: self.max_grad_norm = self.params['max_grad_norm'] else: self.max_grad_norm = None self.random_seed = self.params['random_seed'] self.print_every = self.params['print_every'] self.save_every = self.params['save_every']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_params(): return { 'task': str, 'batch_size': int, 'num_epochs': int, 'train_data_layer': None, 'val_data_layer': None, }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): return { 'use_cuda': bool, 'use_clip_grad': bool, 'max_grad_norm': float, 'random_seed': int, 'print_every': int, 'save_every': int, 'lr_scheduler': None, 'lr_scheduler_params': dict, 'eval_metrics': None, 'logdir': str }
[docs] def forward(self, inp, eval=False): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def cast_inputs(sample, task, use_cuda): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load_model(self, path): weights = torch.load(path) self.load_state_dict(weights)
[docs] def save_model(self, path):, path)
[docs]def build_training(model, params): optimizer = OpenChemOptimizer([params['optimizer'], params['optimizer_params']], model.parameters()) lr_scheduler = OpenChemLRScheduler([params['lr_scheduler'], params['lr_scheduler_params']], optimizer.optimizer) use_cuda = params['use_cuda'] criterion = params['criterion'] if use_cuda: criterion = criterion.cuda() return criterion, optimizer, lr_scheduler
[docs]def train_step(model, optimizer, criterion, inp, target): with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(inp, eval=False) loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() has_module = False if hasattr(model, 'module'): has_module = True if has_module: use_clip_grad = model.module.use_clip_grad max_grad_norm = model.module.max_grad_norm else: use_clip_grad = model.use_clip_grad max_grad_norm = model.max_grad_norm if use_clip_grad: clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_grad_norm) return loss
[docs]def fit(model, scheduler, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, params, eval=False, val_loader=None, cur_epoch=0): textlogger = logging.getLogger("") logdir = params['logdir'] print_every = params['print_every'] save_every = params['save_every'] n_epochs = params['num_epochs'] writer = SummaryWriter() start = time.time() loss_total = 0 n_batches = 0 schedule_by_iter = scheduler.by_iteration scheduler = scheduler.scheduler all_losses = [] val_losses = [] has_module = False if hasattr(model, 'module'): has_module = True world_size = comm.get_world_size() for epoch in tqdm(range(cur_epoch, n_epochs + cur_epoch)): model.train() for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(train_loader): if has_module: task = model.module.task use_cuda = model.module.use_cuda batch_input, batch_target = model.module.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda) else: task = model.task use_cuda = model.use_cuda batch_input, batch_target = model.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda) loss = train_step(model, optimizer, criterion, batch_input, batch_target) if schedule_by_iter: # steps are in iters scheduler.step() if world_size > 1: reduced_loss = reduce_tensor(loss, world_size).item() else: reduced_loss = loss.item() loss_total += reduced_loss n_batches += 1 cur_loss = loss_total / n_batches all_losses.append(cur_loss) if epoch % print_every == 0: if comm.is_main_process():'TRAINING: [Time: %s, Epoch: %d, Progress: %d%%, ' 'Loss: %.4f]' % (time_since(start), epoch, epoch / n_epochs * 100, cur_loss)) if eval: assert val_loader is not None val_loss, metrics = evaluate(model, val_loader, criterion, epoch=epoch) val_losses.append(val_loss) info = { 'Train loss': cur_loss, 'Validation loss': val_loss, 'Validation metrics': metrics, 'LR': optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] } else: info = {'Train loss': cur_loss, 'LR': optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']} if comm.is_main_process(): for tag, value in info.items(): writer.add_scalar(tag, value, epoch + 1) for tag, value in model.named_parameters(): tag = tag.replace('.', '/') if torch.std(value).item() < 1e-3 or \ torch.isnan(torch.std(value)).item(): textlogger.warning("Warning: {} has zero variance ".format(tag) + "(i.e. constant vector)") else: log_value = value.detach().cpu().numpy() writer.add_histogram(tag, log_value, epoch + 1) #logger.histo_summary( # tag, log_value, epoch + 1) if value.grad is None: print("Warning: {} grad is undefined".format(tag)) else: log_value_grad = value.grad.detach().cpu().numpy() writer.add_histogram(tag + "/grad", log_value_grad, epoch + 1) if epoch % save_every == 0 and comm.is_main_process():, logdir + '/checkpoint/epoch_' + str(epoch)) loss_total = 0 n_batches = 0 if not schedule_by_iter: # steps are in epochs scheduler.step() return all_losses, val_losses
[docs]def evaluate(model, data_loader, criterion=None, epoch=None): textlogger = logging.getLogger("openchem.evaluate") model.eval() loss_total = 0 n_batches = 0 start = time.time() prediction = [] ground_truth = [] has_module = False if hasattr(model, 'module'): has_module = True if has_module: task = model.module.task eval_metrics = model.module.eval_metrics logdir = model.module.logdir else: task = model.task eval_metrics = model.eval_metrics logdir = model.logdir for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(data_loader): if has_module: task = model.module.task use_cuda = model.module.use_cuda batch_input, batch_target = model.module.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda) else: task = model.task use_cuda = model.use_cuda batch_input, batch_target = model.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda) predicted = model(batch_input, eval=True) try: loss = criterion(predicted, batch_target) except TypeError: loss = 0.0 if hasattr(predicted, 'detach'): predicted = predicted.detach().cpu().numpy() if hasattr(batch_target, 'cpu'): batch_target = batch_target.cpu().numpy() if hasattr(loss, 'item'): loss = loss.item() if isinstance(loss, list): loss = 0.0 prediction += list(predicted) ground_truth += list(batch_target) loss_total += loss n_batches += 1 cur_loss = loss_total / n_batches if task == 'classification': prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1) if task == "graph_generation": f = open(logdir + "debug_smiles_epoch_" + str(epoch) + ".smi", "w") if isinstance(metrics, list) and len(metrics) == len(prediction): for i in range(len(prediction)): f.writelines(str(prediction[i]) + "," + str(metrics[i]) + "\n") else: for i in range(len(prediction)): f.writelines(str(prediction[i]) + "\n") f.close() metrics = calculate_metrics(prediction, ground_truth, eval_metrics) metrics = np.mean(metrics) if comm.is_main_process():'EVALUATION: [Time: %s, Loss: %.4f, Metrics: %.4f]' % (time_since(start), cur_loss, metrics)) return cur_loss, metrics
[docs]def predict(model, data_loader, eval=True): textlogger = logging.getLogger("openchem.predict") model.eval() start = time.time() prediction = [] samples = [] has_module = False if hasattr(model, 'module'): has_module = True if has_module: task = model.module.task logdir = model.module.logdir else: task = model.task logdir = model.logdir for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(data_loader): if has_module: task = model.module.task use_cuda = model.module.use_cuda batch_input, batch_object = model.module.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda, for_prediction=True) else: task = model.task use_cuda = model.use_cuda batch_input, batch_object = model.cast_inputs(sample_batched, task, use_cuda, for_predction=True) predicted = model(batch_input, eval=True) if hasattr(predicted, 'detach'): predicted = predicted.detach().cpu().numpy() prediction += list(predicted) samples += list(batch_object) if task == 'classification': prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1) f = open(logdir + "/predictions.txt", "w") assert len(prediction) == len(samples) if comm.is_main_process(): for i in range(len(prediction)): tmp = [chr(c) for c in samples[i]] tmp = ''.join(tmp) if " " in tmp: tmp = tmp[:tmp.index(" ")] to_write = [str(pred) for pred in prediction[i]] to_write = ",".join(to_write) f.writelines(tmp + "," + to_write + "\n") f.close() if comm.is_main_process():'Predictions saved to ' + logdir + "/predictions.txt") 'PREDICTION: [Time: %s, Number of samples: %d]' % (time_since(start), len(prediction)) )
[docs]def reduce_tensor(tensor, world_size): r""" Reduces input ''tensor'' across all processes in such a way that everyone gets the sum of ''tensor'' from all of the processes. Args: tensor (Tensor): data to be reduced. world_size (int): number of processes. """ rt = tensor.clone() dist.all_reduce(rt, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) rt /= world_size return rt