How to define and train models

In this tutorial we will discuss how to construct and run models in OpenChem without writing any code.

Models in OpenChem are defined in Python configuration file as a dictionary of parameters. The dictionary must contain parameters that define how to run/train/evaluate a model as well as parameters defining model architecture. OpenChem also contains 2 Python files and that handle model creation and launching distributed processes.

Arguments for

  • --nproc_per_node — number of processes per node. This should be equal to the number of GPUs on the node.

Arguments for

  • --config_gile — path to python configuration file where model is defined.

  • --mode — “train”, “train_eval” or “eval”.

  • --continue_learning — if this argument is specified, training will be resumed from the latest checkpoint.

Configuration file

Configuration file must contain model, which should be any class derived from OpenChemModel and dictionary model_params.

Below is description of common parameters for all models that are not related to model architechture:

  • task — string, specifies the task to be solved by the model. Could be classification, regression or multitask.

  • train_data_layer — pytorch dataset for training data. Could be None if --mode=eval. OpenChem currently provides utilities for creating SMILES, Graph and MoleculeProtein datasets.

  • val_data_layer — pytorch dataset for validation data. Could be None of --mode=train.

  • print_every — int, how often logs will be printed.

  • save_every — int, how often model will be saved to checkpoints.

  • logdir — string, path to folder where model checkpoints and tensorboard log will be saved.

  • use_clip_grad — bool, whether to use gradient clipping.

  • max_grad_norm — float, maximum norm of parameters, if gradient clipping is used.

  • batch_size — int, batch size.

  • num_epochs — int, number of epochs for training. Could be None if --mode=eval.

  • eval_metrics — user defined function, metrics for evaluation. Could be None if --mode=train. Python scikit learn package contains majority of the evaluation metrics you would probably like to use.

  • criterion — pytorch loss, model loss.

  • optimizer — pytorch optimizer, optimizer for training the model. Could be None if --mode=eval

Other parameters are specific to model architecture. Check out API documentation and other tutorials.

Launching jobs

Here is an example of job, that will be run on a node with 4 GPUs:

python --nproc_per_node=4 --config_file="./" --mode="train"

If you want to use only specific GPUs and not all, you can use flag CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and set --nproc_per_node to the number of GPUs you want to use.

For example, here is how to run a job on two GPUs with ids 0 and 1:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --nproc_per_node=2 --config_file="./" --mode="train"

If you don’t want to run model in distributed mode, but instead want just run a single process on one GPU, you can use flag CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and set --nproc_per_node=1:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --nproc_per_node=1 --config_file="./" --mode="train"