Getting started with building models in OpenChem

In this tutorial we will cover basics of model building in OpenChem by constructing a simple multilayer perceptron neural network for prediction logP values from molecular fingerprints. This tutorial will cover the following point:

  • Data handling (reading dataset files, splitting data into train/test)

  • Specifying model hyperparmeters as a dictionary

  • Running model training

  • Monitoring training process wiht Tensorboard

  • Evaluated of the trained model

  • Running trained model for prediction on new data examples

Loading data

First we need to read data from file. In this example, data is located in file ./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/logP_labels.csv. OpenChem can process text file with multiple columns. Users can specify which columns should be read and what is the delimiter. Important to note, that the first column is cols_to_read argument must specify column with SMILES strings. Next columns must have labels:

data = read_smiles_property_file('./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/logP_labels.csv',
                                 cols_to_read=[1, 2],

Variable data is a list with as many objects as columns were read from the file. data[0] contains smiles and all the rest are labels:

smiles = data[0]
labels = np.array(data[1:])
labels = labels.T

After reading the data, we can split in into train and test sets using scikit-learn utility and then save it to new files:

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(smiles, labels, test_size=0.2,
save_smiles_property_file('./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/train.smi', X_train, y_train)
save_smiles_property_file('./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/test.smi', X_test, y_test)

Creating PyTorch dataset

OpenChem has multiple utilities for creating PyTorch dataset based on the data type. In this example we are using FeatureDataset that convert SMILES strings to vectors of features with a user-defined function, that is passed to FeatureDataset as an argument get_features with any additional arguments passed as a dictionary in get_features_args. In this example we are using RDKit fingerprint as features, that are calculated with function This function accepts number of bits in fingerprint as an additional argument n_bits. Same as read_smiles_property_finction OpenChem datasets accept cols_to_read and delimiter arguments.

We are creating 3 datasets – train_dataset, test_dataset and predict_dataset. train_dataset and test_dataset are used for training and evaluation respectively. In these datasets cols_to_read should contain indices for columnds with SMILES string and labels. predict_datasets will be used after training is completed to get prediction for new samples and labels are not required. Thus, cols_to_read argument here should only contain index of column to SMILES string. predict_dataset also must have an additional argument return_smiles=True to write than to a file with predictions:

train_dataset = FeatureDataset(filename='./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/train.smi',
                               delimiter=',', cols_to_read=[0, 1],
                               get_features=get_fp, get_features_args={"n_bits": 2048})
test_dataset = FeatureDataset(filename='./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/test.smi',
                              delimiter=',', cols_to_read=[0, 1],
                              get_features=get_fp, get_features_args={"n_bits": 2048})
predict_dataset = FeatureDataset(filename='./benchmark_datasets/logp_dataset/test.smi',
                                delimiter=',', cols_to_read=[0],
                                get_features=get_fp, get_features_args={"n_bits": 2048},

Creating OpenChem model and specifying parameters

Nex step is specifying model type and model parameters. In this example we are using MLP2Label model, which is a multilayer perceptron model, that predicts labels from feature vectors:

model = MLP2Label

Model parameter are specified as a dictionary model_params. There are some essential parameters, that are required for every model. Such parameters are:

  • task – the problem to be solved. Can be classification, regression, multitask or graph_generation. In this example we are building model for prediction of continuous logP values, that is why task here is regression.

  • random_seed – random seed for running the experiment. Used to enforce reproducibility of the experiments.

  • batch_size – how many samples are included in each training batch. In this example we are using 256.

  • num_epochs – how many passes over the training dataset to do. In this example we are making 101 epochs.

  • print_every – how often intermediate training-evaluation results will be printed to standard output and log file.

  • save_every – how often intermediate model checkpoints will be saved during training.

  • train_data_layer and val_data_layer – PyTorch datasets that are used for training and evaluation. In this example we are using train_dataset and test_dataset objects of FeatureDataset type that were defined above.

  • predict_data_layer – also a PyTorch dataset, but this parameter is not needed if the model

won’t be used for making predictions for new samples.

  • eval_metrics – a user-provided function, that is used to calculated validation metrics during evaluation process. This function must follow scikit-learn defined signature fun(y_true, y_pred). In this example we are using r2 score.

  • criterion – loss function to be optimized during the training. In this case we are using MSELoss which is the mean squared error often used for regression problems.

  • optimizer – optimization algorithm to be used for model training. In this case we are using Adam optimizer.

  • optimizer_params – dictionary of parameters for optimization algorithms. In this case we only specify learning rate. Full list of possible parameters can be looked up on PyTorch documentation page for the optimization algorithm.

  • lr_scheduler – learning rate decay policy. In this case we use StepLR. This policy decreases the learning rate by a fixed decay factor every specified number of steps.

  • lr_scheduler_params – dictionary of parameters for learning rate decay policy. Full list of possible parameters can be looked up on PyTorch documentation page for the chosen decay policy. In this example we decreasing the learning rate by a factor gamma=0.9 every step_size=15 epochs.

Next set of parameters define the model architecture. They are different from model to model. In this example we use a multiplayer perceptron and we only need to specify a few parameters:

  • mlp – type of multilayer perceptron. OpenChem has MLP with and without Batch Normalization.

  • mlp_params – dictionary of parameters for the MLP. input_size should be equal to the number of features in the data. In our example we are using fingerprints with n_bits=2048, so input_size=248. n_layers – number of layers in MLP (we are using 4). hidden_size – list of dimensions for each of n_layers. dropout – probability value for dropout. If this parameter is not specified, dropout is not used. activation – list of activation functions for each layer.

Training the model

Defined above model configurations are saved to file located in example_configs folder. We can now launch training process by running the following command from the command line:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --nproc_per_node=1 --config_file=example_configs/  --mode="train_eval"

The output will be the following:

Distributed process with rank 1 initalized
Distributed process with rank 0 initalized
Directory logs/logp_mlp_logs created
Directory logs/logp_mlp_logs/checkpoint created
2020-11-04 12:03:29,915 openchem INFO: Running on 2 GPUs
2020-11-04 12:03:29,915 openchem INFO: Logging directory is set to logs/logp_mlp_logs
2020-11-04 12:03:29,915 openchem INFO: Running with config:
batch_size:                                       256
logdir:                                           logs/logp_mlp_logs
lr_scheduler_params/gamma:                        0.9
lr_scheduler_params/step_size:                    15
mlp_params/dropout:                               0.5
mlp_params/input_size:                            2048
mlp_params/n_layers:                              4
num_epochs:                                       101
optimizer_params/lr:                              0.001
print_every:                                      20
random_seed:                                      42
save_every:                                       5
task:                                             regression
use_cuda:                                         True

2020-11-04 12:03:30,109 openchem INFO: Starting training from scratch
2020-11-04 12:03:30,109 openchem INFO: Training is set up from epoch 0
  0%|                                                                                                                         | 0/101 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  2020-11-04 12:03:30,889 INFO: TRAINING: [Time: 0m 0s, Epoch: 0, Progress: 0%, Loss: 4.1647] [Time: 0m 0s, Epoch: 0, Progress: 0%, Loss: 4.1647]
2020-11-04 12:03:31,057 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 3.8076, Metrics: -0.1291]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 3.8076, Metrics: -0.1291]                                              | 1/101 [00:00<01:34,  1.06it/s]
2020-11-04 12:03:31,439 WARNING: Warning: module/MLP/layers/3/bias has zero variance (i.e. constant vector)
 20%|███████████████████████▉                                                                                                 | 20/101 [00:09<00:36,  2.20it/s]
 2020-11-04 12:03:40,331 INFO: TRAINING: [Time: 0m 10s, Epoch: 20, Progress: 19%, Loss: 1.0274] [Time: 0m 10s, Epoch: 20, Progress: 19%, Loss: 1.0274]
2020-11-04 12:03:40,527 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.8114, Metrics: 0.7690]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.8114, Metrics: 0.7690]
 40%|███████████████████████████████████████████████▉                                                                         | 40/101 [00:19<00:26,  2.28it/s]
 2020-11-04 12:03:49,970 INFO: TRAINING: [Time: 0m 19s, Epoch: 40, Progress: 39%, Loss: 0.8870] [Time: 0m 19s, Epoch: 40, Progress: 39%, Loss: 0.8870]
2020-11-04 12:03:50,208 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.7198, Metrics: 0.7955]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.7198, Metrics: 0.7955]
 59%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉                                                 | 60/101 [00:28<00:17,  2.34it/s]
 2020-11-04 12:03:59,205 INFO: TRAINING: [Time: 0m 29s, Epoch: 60, Progress: 59%, Loss: 0.7898] [Time: 0m 29s, Epoch: 60, Progress: 59%, Loss: 0.7898]
 60%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                                                | 61/101 [00:29<00:19,  2.05it/s]
 2020-11-04 12:03:59,421 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6628, Metrics: 0.8142]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6628, Metrics: 0.8142] [Time: 0m 38s, Epoch: 80, Progress: 79%, Loss: 0.7267]
2020-11-04 12:04:08,692 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6504, Metrics: 0.8179]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6504, Metrics: 0.8179]
 80%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                       | 81/101 [00:38<00:09,  2.03it/s] [Time: 0m 47s, Epoch: 100, Progress: 99%, Loss: 0.6791]
2020-11-04 12:04:17,926 openchem.evaluate INFO: EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6523, Metrics: 0.8189]
INFO:openchem.evaluate:EVALUATION: [Time: 0m 0s, Loss: 0.6523, Metrics: 0.8189]
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 101/101 [00:47<00:00,  2.11it/s]

The output above shows the model configurations, overall training progress, train loss, validation loss and validation metrics, which is an R^2 score.

To further run the trained model in predict mode to obtain predictions for new samples, the following command should be run from the command line:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --nproc_per_node=1 --config_file=example_configs/  --mode="predict"

Output will be the following:

2020-11-04 12:15:09,379 openchem INFO: Running on 1 GPUs
2020-11-04 12:15:09,380 openchem INFO: Logging directory is set to logs/logp_mlp_logs
2020-11-04 12:15:09,380 openchem INFO: Running with config:
batch_size:                                       256
logdir:                                           logs/logp_mlp_logs
lr_scheduler_params/gamma:                        0.9
lr_scheduler_params/step_size:                    15
mlp_params/dropout:                               0.5
mlp_params/input_size:                            2048
mlp_params/n_layers:                              4
num_epochs:                                       101
optimizer_params/lr:                              0.001
print_every:                                      20
random_seed:                                      42
save_every:                                       5
task:                                             regression
use_cuda:                                         True

2020-11-04 12:15:11,731 openchem INFO: Loading model from logs/logp_mlp_logs/checkpoint/epoch_100
2020-11-04 12:15:13,395 openchem.predict INFO: Predictions saved to logs/logp_mlp_logs/predictions.txt
2020-11-04 12:15:13,395 openchem.predict INFO: PREDICTION: [Time: 0m 1s, Number of samples: 2835]

This output shows model configuration, where parameters were loaded from and where predictions were saved to.