Source code for models.Graph2Label

from openchem.models.openchem_model import OpenChemModel

import torch

[docs]class Graph2Label(OpenChemModel): r""" Creates a model that predicts one or multiple labels given object of class graph as input. Consists of 'graph convolution neural network encoder'__, followed by 'graph max pooling layer'__ and multilayer perceptron. __ __ Args: params (dict): dictionary of parameters describing the model architecture. """ def __init__(self, params): super(Graph2Label, self).__init__(params) self.encoder = self.params['encoder'] self.encoder_params = self.params['encoder_params'] self.Encoder = self.encoder(self.encoder_params, self.use_cuda) self.mlp = self.params['mlp'] self.mlp_params = self.params['mlp_params'] self.MLP = self.mlp(self.mlp_params)
[docs] def forward(self, inp, eval=False): if eval: self.eval() else: self.train() output = self.Encoder(inp) output = self.MLP(output) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def cast_inputs(sample, task, use_cuda, for_prediction=False): batch_adj = sample['adj_matrix'].to(torch.float) batch_x = sample['node_feature_matrix'].to(torch.float) if for_prediction and "object" in sample.keys(): batch_object = sample["object"] else: batch_object = None if not for_prediction and 'labels' in sample.keys(): batch_labels = sample['labels'] if task == 'classification': batch_labels = else: batch_labels = else: batch_labels = None if use_cuda: batch_x ='cuda') batch_adj ='cuda') if batch_labels is not None: batch_labels ='cuda') batch_inp = (batch_x, batch_adj) if batch_object is not None: return batch_inp, batch_object else: return batch_inp, batch_labels