Source code for data.utils

# TODO: packed variable length sequence

import time
import math
import numpy as np
import csv
import warnings

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit import DataStructs

import torch
from import DataLoader
from import Dataset
from import SmilesEnumerator

from rdkit import rdBase
from rdkit import Chem
from openchem.utils.graph import Graph

[docs]class DummyDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, size=1): super(DummyDataset, self).__init__() self.size = size def __len__(self): return self.size def __getitem__(self, index): return { 'x': torch.zeros(1), 'y': torch.zeros(1), 'num_nodes': torch.zeros(1), 'c_in': torch.zeros(1), 'c_out': torch.zeros(1), 'max_prev_nodes_local': torch.zeros(1) }
[docs]class DummyDataLoader(object): def __init__(self, batch_size): self.batch_size = 32 #batch_size self.current = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return self.batch_size def __next__(self): if self.current < self.batch_size: self.current += 1 return None else: self.current = 0 raise StopIteration
[docs]def cut_padding(samples, lengths, padding='left'): max_len = lengths.max(dim=0)[0].cpu().numpy() if padding == 'right': cut_samples = samples[:, :max_len] elif padding == 'left': total_len = samples.size()[1] cut_samples = samples[:, total_len - max_len:] else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for padding argument. Must be right' 'or left') return cut_samples
[docs]def seq2tensor(seqs, tokens, flip=True): tensor = np.zeros((len(seqs), len(seqs[0]))) for i in range(len(seqs)): for j in range(len(seqs[i])): if seqs[i][j] in tokens: tensor[i, j] = tokens.index(seqs[i][j]) else: tokens = tokens + seqs[i][j] tensor[i, j] = tokens.index(seqs[i][j]) if flip: tensor = np.flip(tensor, axis=1).copy() return tensor, tokens
[docs]def pad_sequences(seqs, max_length=None, pad_symbol=' '): if max_length is None: max_length = -1 for seq in seqs: max_length = max(max_length, len(seq)) lengths = [] for i in range(len(seqs)): cur_len = len(seqs[i]) lengths.append(cur_len) seqs[i] = seqs[i] + pad_symbol * (max_length - cur_len) return seqs, lengths
[docs]def create_loader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1, pin_memory=False, sampler=None): data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=pin_memory, sampler=sampler) return data_loader
[docs]def sanitize_smiles(smiles, canonize=True, min_atoms=-1, max_atoms=-1, return_num_atoms=False, allowed_tokens=None, allow_charges=False, return_max_len=False, logging="warn"): """ Takes list of SMILES strings and returns list of their sanitized versions. For definition of sanitized SMILES check Args: smiles (list): list of SMILES strings canonize (bool): parameter specifying whether to return canonical SMILES or not. min_atoms (int): minimum allowed number of atoms max_atoms (int): maxumum allowed number of atoms return_num_atoms (bool): return additional array of atom numbers allowed_tokens (iterable, optional): allowed tokens set allow_charges (bool): allow nonzero charges of atoms logging ("warn", "info", "none"): logging level Output: new_smiles (list): list of SMILES and NaNs if SMILES string is invalid or unsanitized. If 'canonize = True', return list of canonical SMILES. When 'canonize = True' the function is analogous to: canonize_smiles(smiles, sanitize=True). """ assert logging in ["warn", "info", "none"] new_smiles = [] idx = [] num_atoms = [] smiles_lens = [] for i in range(len(smiles)): sm = smiles[i] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(sm, sanitize=False) sm_new = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) if canonize and mol is not None else sm good = mol is not None if good and allowed_tokens is not None: good &= all([t in allowed_tokens for t in sm_new]) if good and not allow_charges: good &= all([a.GetFormalCharge() == 0 for a in mol.GetAtoms()]) if good: n = mol.GetNumAtoms() if (n < min_atoms and min_atoms > -1) or (n > max_atoms > -1): good = False else: n = 0 if good: new_smiles.append(sm_new) idx.append(i) num_atoms.append(n) smiles_lens.append(len(sm_new)) else: new_smiles.append(' ') num_atoms.append(0) smiles_set = set(new_smiles) num_unique = len(smiles_set) - ('' in smiles_set) if len(idx) > 0: valid_unique_rate = float(num_unique) / len(idx) invalid_rate = 1.0 - float(len(idx)) / len(smiles) else: valid_unique_rate = 0.0 invalid_rate = 1.0 num_bad = len(smiles) - len(idx) if len(idx) != len(smiles) and logging == "warn": warnings.warn('{:d}/{:d} unsanitized smiles ({:.1f}%)'.format(num_bad, len(smiles), 100 * invalid_rate)) elif logging == "info": print("Valid: {}/{} ({:.2f}%)".format(len(idx), len(smiles), 100 * (1 - invalid_rate))) print("Unique valid: {:.2f}%".format(100 * valid_unique_rate)) if return_num_atoms and return_max_len: return new_smiles, idx, num_atoms, max(smiles_lens) elif return_num_atoms and not return_max_len: return new_smiles, idx, num_atoms elif not return_num_atoms and return_max_len: return new_smiles, idx, max(smiles_lens) else: return new_smiles, idx
[docs]def canonize_smiles(smiles, sanitize=True): """ Takes list of SMILES strings and returns list of their canonical SMILES. Args: smiles (list): list of SMILES strings sanitize (bool): parameter specifying whether to sanitize SMILES or not. For definition of sanitized SMILES check Output: new_smiles (list): list of canonical SMILES and NaNs if SMILES string is invalid or unsanitized (when 'sanitize = True') When 'sanitize = True' the function is analogous to: sanitize_smiles(smiles, canonize=True). """ new_smiles = [] idx = [] for i in range(len(smiles)): sm = smiles[i] try: new_smiles.append(Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.MolFromSmiles(sm, sanitize=sanitize))) idx.append(i) except: new_smiles.append('') if len(idx) != len(smiles): invalid_rate = 1.0 - len(idx) / len(smiles) warnings.warn('Proportion of unsanitized smiles is %.3f ' % (invalid_rate)) return new_smiles
[docs]def save_smi_to_file(filename, smiles, unique=True): """ Takes path to file and list of SMILES strings and writes SMILES to the specified file. Args: filename (str): path to the file smiles (list): list of SMILES strings unique (bool): parameter specifying whether to write only unique copies or not. Output: success (bool): defines whether operation was successfully completed or not. """ if unique: smiles = list(set(smiles)) else: smiles = list(smiles) f = open(filename, 'w') for mol in smiles: f.writelines([mol, '\n']) f.close() return f.closed
[docs]def read_smi_file(filename, unique=True): """ Reads SMILES from file. File must contain one SMILES string per line with \n token in the end of the line. Args: filename (str): path to the file unique (bool): return only unique SMILES Returns: smiles (list): list of SMILES strings from specified file. success (bool): defines whether operation was successfully completed or not. If 'unique=True' this list contains only unique copies. """ f = open(filename, 'r') molecules = [] for line in f: molecules.append(line[:-1]) if unique: molecules = list(set(molecules)) else: molecules = list(molecules) f.close() return molecules, f.closed
[docs]def get_tokens(smiles, tokens=None): """ Returns list of unique tokens, token-2-index dictionary and number of unique tokens from the list of SMILES Args: smiles (list): list of SMILES strings to tokenize. tokens (string): string of tokens or None. If none will be extracted from dataset. Returns: tokens (list): list of unique tokens/SMILES alphabet. token2idx (dict): dictionary mapping token to its index. num_tokens (int): number of unique tokens. """ if tokens is None: tokens = list(set(''.join(smiles))) tokens = sorted(tokens) tokens = ''.join(tokens) token2idx = dict((token, i) for i, token in enumerate(tokens)) num_tokens = len(tokens) return tokens, token2idx, num_tokens
[docs]def augment_smiles(smiles, labels, n_augment=5): smiles_augmentation = SmilesEnumerator() augmented_smiles = [] augmented_labels = [] for i in range(len(smiles)): sm = smiles[i] for _ in range(n_augment): augmented_smiles.append(smiles_augmentation.randomize_smiles(sm)) augmented_labels.append(labels[i]) augmented_smiles.append(sm) augmented_labels.append(labels[i]) return augmented_smiles, augmented_labels
[docs]def time_since(since): s = time.time() - since m = math.floor(s / 60) s -= m * 60 return '%dm %ds' % (m, s)
[docs]def read_smiles_property_file(path, cols_to_read, delimiter=',', keep_header=False): reader = csv.reader(open(path, 'r'), delimiter=delimiter) data = list(reader) if keep_header: start_position = 0 else: start_position = 1 assert len(data) > start_position data = map(list, zip(*data)) data = [d for c, d in enumerate(data)] data_ = [data[c][start_position:] for c in cols_to_read] return data_
[docs]def save_smiles_property_file(path, smiles, labels, delimiter=','): f = open(path, 'w') n_targets = labels.shape[1] for i in range(len(smiles)): f.writelines(smiles[i]) for j in range(n_targets): f.writelines(delimiter + str(labels[i, j])) f.writelines('\n') f.close()
[docs]def process_smiles(smiles, sanitized=False, target=None, augment=False, pad=True, tokenize=True, tokens=None, flip=False, allowed_tokens=None): if not sanitized: clean_smiles, clean_idx = sanitize_smiles(smiles, allowed_tokens=allowed_tokens) clean_smiles = [clean_smiles[i] for i in clean_idx] if target is not None: target = target[clean_idx] else: clean_smiles = smiles length = None if augment and target is not None: clean_smiles, target = augment_smiles(clean_smiles, target) if pad: clean_smiles, length = pad_sequences(clean_smiles) tokens, token2idx, num_tokens = get_tokens(clean_smiles, tokens) if tokenize: clean_smiles, tokens = seq2tensor(clean_smiles, tokens, flip) return clean_smiles, target, length, tokens, token2idx, num_tokens
[docs]def process_graphs(smiles, node_attributes, get_atomic_attributes, edge_attributes, get_bond_attributes=None, kekulize=True): clean_smiles, clean_idx, num_atoms = sanitize_smiles(smiles, return_num_atoms=True) clean_smiles = [clean_smiles[i] for i in clean_idx] max_size = np.max(num_atoms) adj = [] node_feat = [] for sm in clean_smiles: graph = Graph(sm, max_size, get_atomic_attributes, get_bond_attributes, kekulize=kekulize) node_feature_matrix = graph.get_node_feature_matrix(node_attributes, max_size) # TODO: remove diagonal elements from adjacency matrix if get_bond_attributes is None: adj_matrix = graph.adj_matrix else: adj_matrix = graph.get_edge_attr_adj_matrix(edge_attributes, max_size) adj.append(adj_matrix.astype('float32')) node_feat.append(node_feature_matrix.astype('float32')) return adj, node_feat
[docs]def get_fp(smiles, n_bits=2048): fp = [] processed_indices = [] invalid_indices = [] for i in range(len(smiles)): mol = smiles[i] tmp = np.array(mol2image(mol, n=n_bits)) if np.isnan(tmp[0]): invalid_indices.append(i) else: fp.append(tmp) processed_indices.append(i) return np.array(fp, dtype="float32"), processed_indices, invalid_indices
[docs]def mol2image(x, n=2048): try: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) fp = Chem.RDKFingerprint(m, maxPath=4, fpSize=n) res = np.zeros(len(fp)) DataStructs.ConvertToNumpyArray(fp, res) return res except Exception as e: print(e) return [np.nan]